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Mon to Sun 10am-8pm PST
Guaranteed live arrival
Don Patterson Reptiles
Quality reptiles since 1994

Producing captive bred reptiles for over 20 years.
My Reptiles
My Reptiles
Specializing in captive bred pythons, boas and blue tongue skinks. I also occasionally offer captive bred animals from other breeders around the world as well as select wild caught specimens.
My Care
My Care
I am a one man show. All aspects of animal care and maintenance are provided by myself. My collection is kept clean, well maintained , with a yearly vet inspection and vet assistance if needed. Animal comfort, lighting, and air flow are key in my set ups.
My Guarantee
My Guarantee
I guarantee to be honest and upfront with any information on animals you are interested in and also to provide prompt and reliable business dealings. I guarantee both live arrival and you are 100% satisfied with the shipment.